About Aurora
Early on
My life has been full of adventure with moving through new and unknown spaces of this world as well as my own realities. I have been traveling since I was a child exploring different cultures, people, and parts of the world. I feel that these experiences have ignited the creative fire in my soul that fuels the vibrant visuals I produce. Experience gives a being more insight and substance to observe or inspiration for creation. I’ve been creating art since I was a child, it was always something that came so naturally to me. I never thought I would be creating the art I create today, I used to only draw things I saw externally of me and now I have flipped it to draw what I see internally.
Today I create in so many kinds of ways. My everyday life is an act of creation. I express my multitude of energies through art, music, dancing, photography, animation, theatre, poetry, and just living in the present moment. My soul mission is to awaken the inner child in every being so they too can create in a playful and loving way. I find that whenever I allow my being to express itself through any of the previously mentioned mediums, I am healing myself of all the pain my body holds. I wish to share this alchemical magic with everyone my art makes contact with.
As you’ve likely noticed, my art falls under the realms of surrealism, dreamscape enviorments, psychedelic visions, and is spiritually influenced. A lot of my beleifs about reality and consciousness come through what I draw. Even my aura drawings I do for people have a take on the subtle vibrations that come off and from within people. When I explain what they are, I try my best to stay as grounded in this reality as possible to make it make sense to others yet my mind travels far out about ideas of consciousness. I believe we are all in a waking dream, creating as we go. That we are all interconnected by consciousness itself. It’s our responsibiltiy to take control over our vessel and the being that we are and to create something beautful, full of light in the world around us. When one is gifted with the ability to discern what is good for all and what is not good for all, it is importnat for that being to promote as much goodness into the world around them. This is what my art and everything I create is for. It is always for you. It is always a reflection and remembarance of the child in you that likes to play and imagine worlds unseen but that are always felt. We are all one conscious being experiencing itself through reflections of others to learn more about ourselves. If you have stumbled upon my page and my art, you have awakened yourself to the extent of expanding past the mundane reality that this world bred intentionally to make you forget your divine and magical self. I hope you remember your heart, and the eternal encompassing love that flows through each and everyone one of you.